If you’re reading the Mandel Marketing blog, then you probably already know that email marketing is one of the most important and effective tactics in your marketing strategy for businesses to reach potential customers. But it ain’t easy. And as technology continues to progress, the metrics of email marketing, such as email open rate and click thru rate, get ever more complicated.

How do you know if email open rate is still the right metric to track? What about engagement, conversions, and the aforementioned CTR?

We’ve gathered insights from Directors to Marketing Leads to answer whether open rates are a significant metric to track. From using open rates to guide A/B testing to understanding them as part of a larger equation, here are several insightful perspectives on the importance of email open rates.

Open Rates Guide A/B Testing

We specialize in crafting targeted digital marketing solutions for SaaS and e-commerce sectors, where email marketing plays a crucial role. Understanding metrics like open rates is fundamental to our strategy, and here’s how we view and utilize this particular metric:

Open rates are particularly important when testing new email marketing strategies or subject lines. They provide immediate feedback on our audience’s first impression and help us to quickly iterate on and refine our approach. By closely monitoring open rates, especially in A/B testing scenarios, we can determine what resonates best with our audience, allowing us to enhance our overall content engagement strategy effectively.

Marc Bishop, Director, Wytlabs

Open Rates as Diagnostic Tools

We actively engage in email marketing as part of our comprehensive digital marketing strategy. The relevance of email open rates is a frequent topic of discussion, and I’d like to share our perspective on why this metric matters—or doesn’t—in our campaigns.

Open rates do matter to us, particularly as a diagnostic tool. A sudden drop in open rates can alert us to issues that may require immediate attention, such as problems with email deliverability or declining subscriber interest. This metric serves as the canary in the coal mine, signaling when we may need to revisit our segmentation and targeting strategies or refresh our creative approach.

By monitoring open rates closely, we can maintain the health of our overall email marketing efforts, ensuring that we continue to reach our audience effectively. Additionally, consistent tracking of open rates helps us to understand seasonal trends or external factors that may influence engagement. This awareness enables us to strategically time our campaigns to coincide with peak engagement periods, optimizing our overall marketing effectiveness and ensuring optimal reach and impact.

Jason Hennessey, CEO, Hennessey Digital

Engagement and Conversion Indicators

As the CEO of a digital marketing agency branded as Naxisweb, I would like to share my opinion on how important email open rates are in our marketing tactics. Email open rates matter, and here is why:

Engagement Indicator: The open rate shows whether our emails are engaging enough to our audience. When more people open an email, it indicates that they were compelled by the subject title, hence opening and participating with the message.

Subject Line Performance: By monitoring open rates, we can assess how well our subject lines perform. Going back and seeing which subject lines have been opened more means that we can refine such an approach and come up with other enticing subjects in future campaigns.

Segmentation and Personalization: By understanding the open rates, we shape our email strategies in line with recipient preferences and behavior patterns. We can deliver more relevant emails—based on audience segmentation and content personalization—that are likely to be opened as well as acted upon.

Impact on Conversions: Open rates do not affect conversions directly, but they are key to conversion. High open rates signal increased interest from recipients, thereby raising chances of a conversion, such as visiting a website or making a purchase, among other things.

This is not to say that open rates should be considered in isolation. Instead, if one is to get an accurate picture of how well his or her email marketing campaign has been effective, he or she will need to consider click-through rates, conversions, and revenues generated.

In conclusion, therefore, open rates matter at Naxisweb, but the company must also look at other metrics for a full assessment of its email marketing efficacy.

Pankaj Kumar, CEO, Naxisweb

Quality Engagement Over Open Rates

While open rates do matter, they’re not the most important metric. What truly counts is converting those opens into meaningful actions that drive sales and engagement.

While a high open rate often indicates an enticing subject line, it’s important to ensure that the content delivers on the promise of that subject line. A flashy headline might grab attention initially, but if the content doesn’t live up to expectations, it can backfire.

What truly matters is getting people to take action, whether it’s visiting your website, making a purchase, or something else that drives sales.

I prioritize a balanced approach. I’d rather have a lower open rate with a higher conversion rate that leads to actual sales than a high open rate that doesn’t translate into meaningful actions or, in the worst case, leads to a spike in unsubscribes. Quality engagement and conversions matter more than just the number of opens.

Trendy Tan, Marketing Lead, Kepler Search

Contextualizing Open Rates with Other Metrics

Open rates are indeed a crucial performance indicator in email marketing, but they are not the whole picture. In my 15 years of digital marketing experience, I’ve learned to consider open rates, but not without context. For example, during my digital transformation project with Digital Silk, we drove a 40% increase in revenue over two years. While our open rates improved, it wasn’t the sole focus. More importantly, we looked at other metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates, which directly link to revenue growth.

It’s worth mentioning a time when I was leading a rebranding initiative at a previous company. Despite having moderate open rates during the campaign, we experienced a substantial 30% spike in customer engagement. Here, our primary objective was to stir curiosity and engagement without a hard focus on open rates. Thus, my experience suggests that open rates, while important, don’t necessarily reflect the full impact or success of an email campaign. It’s a blend of various factors that contributes to a robust email marketing strategy.

Eva Miller, VP of Marketing, Digital Silk

Evaluating Email Effectiveness Beyond Opens

As a business owner, the open rate of our email campaigns is indeed crucial. It serves as a key metric for gauging the effectiveness of our email marketing efforts. A high open rate indicates that our email subject lines are compelling and resonating with our audience, prompting them to engage with our content. Yet, it’s not the sole determinant of success. While a high open rate is desirable, what truly matters is the quality of engagement and conversions that result from those opens.

While we do monitor our open rates closely, we also focus on optimizing other metrics like click-through rates and conversion rates to ensure our email campaigns are delivering tangible results. In summary, while the open rate is an important metric for evaluating the performance of our email marketing campaigns, it is not the only factor we consider. What matters most is the overall impact of our emails on driving engagement and conversions, which we continuously strive to improve.

Ryan Kelly, Chief Marketing Officer, Easy Ice

Open Rates as Engagement Starters

Yes, open rates matter a lot, but not as a standalone metric. Instead, I view it as a starting point to understand deeper engagement metrics. An anecdote from my experience was the campaign we once ran targeted at inactive users.

We had a fantastic open rate, but the click-throughs were dismal. This indicated that while the subject line was enticing, the content didn’t resonate. The lesson? An excellent open rate is fantastic, but it’s also crucial to focus on providing value in your email content to encourage interactions and actions beyond the open.

Gabriel Lukov, Head of Inbound Growth, Businessmap

Open Rates: Initial Insight, Not Whole Story

Open rates definitely matter because they give you that initial insight into how effective your subject lines are. If people are opening your emails, it means your subject line caught their attention, which is a good start. Plus, open rates can hint at deliverability issues. If they’re consistently low, your emails might be landing in spam folders or getting blocked.

But they are vanity metrics.

They aren’t the whole story. They don’t tell you if people actually engaged with your content or took any action. Also, open rates can be unreliable since some email clients block images, which can skew the numbers. More important metrics are often click-through rates and conversions because they show real engagement and the impact of your campaign. So, while open rates are useful, they should be just one part of a bigger picture.

Swapnil Kumar, Growth and Marketing Manager, Smartlead

Open Rates: Part of a Larger Equation

Yes, open rates are indeed significant in my line of work as a marketing professional, although they are only one piece of a much larger equation. I consider them as the primary indicator of the success of an email’s subject line and the quality of your subscriber list.

One particular incident echoes in my mind when a new product launch at Businessmap was backed by a well-crafted email campaign. Despite our enthusiasm and confidence, the open rates initially were disappointingly low. This turned into a learning curve—we tweaked our subject lines, sent emails at different times and days, and carefully segmented our audience. And voilà, the open rates improved, and with them, engagement and conversions too.

However, it’s crucial not to overlook that open rates alone won’t convey the complete performance or profitability of an email campaign. Other metrics like click-through rates and conversions are also integral players in the bigger picture. Thus, while open rates are undoubtedly important, they shouldn’t be reviewed in isolation but rather in tandem with other key performance indicators.

Pavel Naydenov, Head of Marketing, Businessmap

Interested in Getting Started With Email Marketing? Contact Mandel Marketing

Okay, here’s the pitch: Mandel Marketing is led by strategy folks who’ve been doing this for two decades. Give us a call for a free consultation and we’ll see how we can help you master your digital strategy and jumpstart your email marketing campaigns. Contact us today using the form below.