
Tag: art

How to Achieve a “State of Flow” in Your Work

Flow like a river, ideas and production. The “state of flow” is that elusive zone of peak productivity and deep focus. Like obscenity, it’s hard to define but you know it when you see it….

Advice To Younger Artists

The Tortured Artist Gets A Job Many of us want to be artists when we’re kids–or at least we love doing art—and if you’re reading this article, you probably did, too. But art is hard….

On Art & Business

The Everpresent Conundrum: Art vs. Business Those of us with creative personalities have no doubt faced, at least once in our lives, the problem of how to remain true to our artistic selves while keeping…

30 Writing Prompts

Jump-Start Your Creativity With These 30 Helpful Business Writing Prompts Writing is hard. Every writer knows this, because they’ve spent time at the desk, staring into space wondering what in the hell to write about….

The Rule of Thirds in Photography

Everyone’s a photographer these days. But are they? Ever since high quality cameras have been added to phones, everyone thinks they’re a professional photographer. But then people look at the pictures they actually take with…

How To Use Color In Marketing and Branding

Color psychology is a field of marketing that doesn’t get talked about enough–but it’s around us all the time, in the five thousand messages we get sent to our brains each day. And though you may…

What Do We See When We Look?

On Looking and Seeing COVID pandemic boring.That’s the ungrammatical three-word sentence that’s been pounding through my brain for a few months now, and after my therapist advised me to “do something different,” (meaning something other…

Leggo Your Logo

Your Brand Logo Is Very Important To Your Business. As a marketing agency, we had go through an extensive logo and brand creation process — not only because we believe it’s important, but because it’s…
