
In: Branding

Advertising & Copywriting

Writing great copy doesn’t just happen. Learn about advertising creative here.

A Brief Guide To Building a Brand

Branding is such a massive topic that you can write an entire book about it (actually, there are already several hundred books in existence about this very thing). Hell, you can have a course in…

A man holds in his hand a cardboard sign that reads "idea"
What Is an Advertising Creative Concept?

The Advertising Creative Concept Creativity is the soul of advertising. It’s the fundamental concept that drives business success, giving life and meaning to messages about a brand’s products and services. And if you’re not being creative…

How To Take Great Pictures for Marketing and Advertising

When it comes to photography for marketing and advertising, creativity and vision are only half the battle. Images play an essential role in marketing and advertising because they tell a story, convey a brand’s message,…

The Rule of Thirds in Photography

Everyone’s a photographer these days. But are they? Ever since high quality cameras have been added to phones, everyone thinks they’re a professional photographer. But then people look at the pictures they actually take with…

Brand Names That Became Products

What Happens When Brand Names Become Synonymous With The Product? One might think the holy grail of marketing is to have your brand name become a verb, such as Googling (or a cliché, like “holy…

A Storyteller’s Guide To Social Media

A Storyteller’s Guide To Social Media Don’t leave the engaging stories just to movies, books and tv shows – bring storytelling into your social media marketing strategy. Humans connect with stories-it’s in our DNA and…

Your Non-English Speaking Customers are Reading Between the Lines

Your Non-English Speaking Customers are Reading Between the Lines Note: This guest blog post was written by Marco Hanson, co-owner of Texan Translation I’ve been a Spanish translator for a couple decades now, and have…

The Power of Storytelling

Immersing yourself in a captivating novel or film is one of life’s greatest pleasures. Whether you’re a fan of crime fiction or independent cinema, a carefully crafted narrative can make audiences think about the world…

How To Use Color In Marketing and Branding

Color psychology is a field of marketing that doesn’t get talked about enough–but it’s around us all the time, in the five thousand messages we get sent to our brains each day. And though you may…
