What Happens When Brand Names Become Synonymous With The Product?
One might think the holy grail of marketing is to have your brand name become a verb, such as Googling (or a cliché, like “holy grail,” which, once upon a time, was a term that actually referred to a specific thing in the universe: the holy chalice that Jesus drank from during The Last Supper–at least, this is what I learned from Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade).
Well, it isn’t.
No, in fact, sometimes having your trademark name become synonymous with the product they represent, or as ubiquitous as a verb, can be harmful to your brand. This is because it reduces the brand equity. If everyone thinks of a Zipper as the thing that closes your coat or covers your crotch, then the Zipper brand itself doesn’t have any points of differentiation against its competitors. There is less value to the Zipper brand, as it is just that thing, no matter who makes it.
Which proves the point: did you even know that Zipper was a brand unto itself? Maybe you did, you cheeky marketing nerd. But I bet most lay people didn’t. (Another great example of this going sour is in the movie Kingpin, where “getting Munsoned” means to be get royally screwed when you’re in your prime.)
So without further ado, here are some trademark names that became so associated with the products or services they represent, that the word became used in general parlance.
Brands That Have Become Products
- Zipper
- Jacuzzi – it’s actually a “hot tub.”
- Google – no one ever says “I’ll Askjeeves it for you.”
- Kleenex
- Q-Tip – so much better than “tiny eardrum-destroying cotton swab”
- Crock-Pot – I’ve never actually liked this name for something associated with food.
- Onesies
- Band Aid
- Chapstick — lip balm
- Xerox
- Breathalyzer
- Jet Ski
- Bubble Wrap
- Seeing Eye Dog
- Sheetrock
- Fluffernutter
- Ping Pong – actually it’s “table tennis”
- Scotch Tape
- Sharpie (permanent marker)
- Realtor – as anyone in real estate the difference between “Realtor” and “real estate agent” and then make some popcorn and get comfortable, because you’ll be sitting there for a while.
- Tupperware
- Velcro
- Wite out
- Weedeater (weed wacker)
- Taser
- X-acto Knife
- Dumpster
- Popsicle
- Rollerblades – I don’t care what you call them, inline skates or rollerblades, they’re always/never cool
- Novocain
- Post-It Notes
- Ouija Board
- Plexiglass
- Styrofoam – always wondered why Microsoft Word capitalized this word
- Formica
- Frisbee
- Hula Hoop
- Slip N’ Slide
- Windbreaker
- Stetson (hat)
- Powerpoint – slide deck
- GED – high school equivalency diploma
Final Thoughts
So is it good to have your brand name turn into a verb, or a cliche? I don’t think it is. But if people one day start saying they’re “Mandelling” and it means coming up with genius ideas, or writing the Great American Novel, I’ll take it.