
Author: Phillip Mandel

Phillip Mandel is the owner of Mandel Marketing. He is a novelist and fiction writer and is the publisher of Abandon Journal (

A Business Owner’s Guide To Sales

Want to make more sales? We all do. Sales of goods and services make up an approximately $20 trillion market, and to capture some of that market share, you as a business owner – and…

The Tyranny of Typography

Today we’re going to dive into what could be considered one of the world’s most boring topics: typography and fonts. Like streetlamps or trees, we see typography and fonts all day, every day, but never…

What Makes A Company Great?

We started this company right before the economic downturn created by COVID. It was scary as all hell–but we persisted. Not everyone has the stomach for such risk, however, and they’d much prefer working for…

Branding In the Rain

People think they know what branding is, because it’s a word they hear all the time. But branding, while indeed ubiquitous in the modern world, is, for modern humans, kind of like water, to fish;…

How to Measure Your Social Media Campaign’s Impact

Ah, social media. Isn’t it weird how, not that long ago, such a thing didn’t even exist? Well, like Churchill always said, nostalgia is for fools and nursemaids. So let’s talk a bit about modern social…

Marketing and Sustainability – Cannabis Industry Spotlight

The legalized marijuana industry is among the fastest rising industries in the United States, as many states currently have laws explicitly legalizing marijuana in some manner (or decriminalizing it)–and the industry is expected to expand…

What Do We See When We Look?

On Looking and Seeing COVID pandemic boring.That’s the ungrammatical three-word sentence that’s been pounding through my brain for a few months now, and after my therapist advised me to “do something different,” (meaning something other…


When we first started Mandel Marketing back in 2019 (in the Before Times, right as COVID was about to ruin everything), we developed an acronym that powered it all: D.R.I.V.E. “DRIVE” is more of an internal theory…

Digital Marketing Trends: Podcasting & Live Video

Yeah, we know: trends come and go. But in the digital marketing space — or any advertising space, really — you have to be aware of what’s happening, and how to take advantage of it,…

Why Good Copywriting Is So Important

I have been a professional writer for a long time, and I have spent a lot of time, energy, and effort improving my craft. Just as a doctor is always learning new healing techniques and…