6 Myths About Social Media Marketing
Advice From A Social Media Marketing Agency In this article, we’re discussing 6 prevalant myths about social media marketing that you need to stop believing right now. Social media marketing is as popular as ever,…
Digital Marketing 101: Why Do People Follow Your Company on Social Media?
Many brands want to make the best use of social media in their marketing mix. It can be fun, it’s ubiquitous, and it doesn’t require a million-dollar television ad spend. However, before you even begin…
How Having the Best Copywriting Can Boost Website Traffic
When you are looking for the best way to market your website, it can seem like there is a never-ending list of things that need to be done. However, one thing that doesn’t get talked…
How a Marketing Agency Can Help Improve Your Business’s Blog
If you are not seeing as much traffic on your website as you would like, hiring a marketing agency can help boost your business’ blog through Google searches. Marketing is an important aspect when it…
Why It’s Important to Have Compelling Copywriting For Your Company’s Blog
If you write and maintain a professional blog for your company (or even a personal blog for yourself), it needs to be written well. A good blog provides regular, relevant content to its readers. This…
3 Reasons You Should Work With a Local Marketing Agency
If you’re looking for a way to revamp your digital marketing strategy, it could be time to hire a local marketing agency to help you out. When you work with a local marketing agency Austin…
How To Use Color In Marketing and Branding
Color psychology is a field of marketing that doesn’t get talked about enough–but it’s around us all the time, in the five thousand messages we get sent to our brains each day. And though you may…
You searched for “schmuck,” didn’t you?
You had to go and be a wiseguy. You had to search for the word “schmuck,” didn’t ya? Well, fine. Here’s to you.